The Meant for More Method

For any busy woman who dreams of pivoting to a life of more meaning and less stress

Introducing a one-of-a-kind coaching program to help you reclaim your sense of self, get clarity on your purpose and vision, and custom-design a career that gives you sustainable fulfillment and success at work and home. 

Does this sound like you?

  • You have always been a take-charge kind of woman, but you are stuck and can’t figure out your next step.

  • You have a feeling that there is something you’re meant to do, a sense of untapped potential and purpose. 

  • You feel guilty because from the outside life looks pretty good, but on the inside, you are lost and filled with anxiety. 

  • You worry it’s ‘irresponsible’ and others will judge you if you veer from the expected path. 

  • You have made bold moves in the past, but you’re challenged to find the confidence to take a leap.

  • You are exhausted from hustling for your worth in a broken system that doesn’t serve you

It’s not your fault. Your brain is the problem.

As humans, we are wired for connection and belonging as a survival strategy. 

As you start stepping closer to your deeply held aspirations, your mind goes crazy trying to keep you safe from potential emotional risk, failure, criticism, and ultimately rejection. 

You will hear a voice saying you are not ready, not qualified, too old, or too young, to buck the status quo and pivot to a career that lights you up. 

In this spiral of self-doubt, you remain paralyzed.

But you keep hearing a persistent little whisper

“you are meant for more”

I will help you to quiet your brain and amplify this whisper because this is your truth talking.

After a lifetime of doing the expected, it is your time to rise. 

  • You’re worthy of work that fills you up, ignites your passion, pushes you to be better. 

  • You are meant to be a contributor and make a difference. 

  • You want to feel energized and inspired and want this to spill over to your home life as well. 

  • You want the flexibility, time, and space to take care of yourself and have fun with your family and friends. 

  • You want to be financially successful, but on your terms. 

You have permission to want all of these things and MORE!

Are you ready to take the leap?

I understand your struggle.

I designed a solution for you.

I have pivoted more times than I can count over the past 10 years. 

SAHM - Coach - PM at a tech start-up - job loss - PM at an edutech - finally leaving corporate to be a full-time coach

Each transition was a challenge, I was brought to a new edge. I couldn’t get clarity and momentum towards what I wanted. I couldn’t get out of my own way, so I got help. 

Over time I’ve learned how to free myself from expectations and overwhelm and find clarity, confidence, and courage to go after what I want. 

Leveraging my personal experience, my training as a coach, and brain science, I developed the Meant For More Method.

The Meant for More Method

A one-on-one coaching program gives you everything you need to create the career and life you really want in just 180 days. (10x faster)

Combining powerful 1:1 coaching and supporting exercises and tools, this 9 step process pinpoints and addresses your unique obstacle so that you can experience increased meaning and impact at work, and more time and energy for yourself and your family at home. 

The Three Phases of the Meant For More Method

  • Reclaim

    Define success on your terms. Connect to your values, identify your strengths, passion and purpose. Draft a compelling vision for your future and a plan to get there.

  • Remove

    Pinpoint the problems creating obstacles to your fulfillment. Shift your mindset and behaviors so that you are calm, clear, and confident in taking action towards our next incarnation.

  • Rise

    Grounded in your wisdom and deepest desires allow ‘shoulds’ to fall away. Learn design thinking principles and relationship-building strategies to build your next chapter.

The Meant for More Method includes:

In our 6 months of one-on-one work, you’ll get.

  • 12, 50-minute coaching sessions

  • Ongoing email and Voxer support

  • Made for More Program welcome kit

  • Personalized mid-engagement celebration

  • Free access to my workshops

    Phases of the Meant for More Method:


    • Get clear and aligned on your values

    • Identify your strengths, gifts, passion and purpose

    • Create a bold vision for what’s next and steps to getting there


    • Identify the behaviors and beliefs that are blocking you

    • Prioritize and pick tools to remove the obstacles to fulfillment

    • Learn and practice new exercises that will shift your neural pathways


    • Create Your Foundation of Self Confidence-let go of striving and stand in your power

    • Use design thinking to architect a well-lived life

    • Gather your team, use authentic networking to create a network of support, learn about various options and uncover opportunities.

What People Are Saying


“Anne has the unique ability to guide me through the process of organizing my thoughts and ideas to create a clear and succinct plan to overcome my biggest challenges, both personally and professionally. She helps me uncover and celebrate the talents and skills I already possess and identify ways to use them to my advantage. I am gaining confidence and learning a lot about myself and what I’m capable of achieving.”

— Kim Vorberger, Wellness Entrepreneur

“After only a couple of sessions with her, I was motivated to take a quantum leap towards investing in and jumpstarting my career after 14 years as a stay-at-home mom. It’s a joy to work with Anne—I feel completely comfortable with her, and she challenges me to take care of myself. She’s an excellent coach and personal cheerleader rolled into one, and I share each ‘victory’ with her.”

— Stefanie Frank, Associate Creative Director

“Anne was instrumental in honing my interests, skills, and desires. She helped me see through the clutter and kept me on track. She is a cheerleader that helps you find your best self. She bolstered my confidence and constantly reminded me what I had to offer. I went into interviews strong and asked for what I wanted. I ended up with my dream position and loads of flexibility.”

— Arianne Burnham, Senior Housing Advisor

How to know if the Meant for More Method is right for you:

  • You are looking for more than the next job. You are ready for your next incarnation. 

  • You know the way you talk to yourself could use and upgrade.

  • You are an action taker and ready to implement the provided tools. 

  • You are committed to achieving your goals, even if uncomfortable, and are willing to ask for help.

The program might not be right for you if:

  • You aren’t ready to invest in yourself and commit the time and resources required for the program.

  • You financially need a new job yesterday. 

  • You’re not open to changing or interrupting patterns that no longer serve you. 

  • You’re looking for help writing your resume, doing your LinkedIn profile. (I have a referral we can include in your package, however)

  • You’re hoping this program or something else can rescue you from needing to choose your own trajectory and walk through the discomfort to reach your goal

If you have tried everything, that tells me that you’re more ready than ever. It also tells me that you haven’t gotten to the root of what’s holding you back and that is the focus of our work together. Other programs focus only on strategy — but strategy without clarity of purpose doesn’t let you create what you want. If you’re stuck more on the “figuring it out”, and not the “how to” we are perfect for each other. I’ve been there, and have helped lots of other women who are exactly where you are.