You get to make the rules
It’s not wrong to be spiritual and also to love a night in a luxury hotel.
It’s ok to listen to your inner wisdom and be strategic and tactical.
It’s ok to celebrate your kids growing up and deeply grieve no longer having little ones.
It’s ok to love the excitement of a challenge, embrace the hustle and have days where you need a nap or a Netflix binge midweek.
It’s ok to wear soft pants all day, but love to get dressed up, put on your heels and feel sexy.
It’s ok to love being quiet in nature AND energized by the bustling of a big city.
It’s ok to be the teacher and also the student.
It’s ok to love a night at home with your family and a ruckus night out with the ladies.
It’s ok to love your husband and sometimes feel like you want to run for the hills.
It’s ok to want the best for your kids and allow them to make their mistakes.
It’s ok to have big dreams and make safe choices.
It’s ok to fear aging and embrace the freedom of not giving a f#$k.
It’s ok to love having your ass kicked by @jsimsfit on your #peloton and also enjoy a calming Yin yoga class.
It’s all okay.
We are a beautiful mosaic of contradictions.
You get to make your own rules regardless of what other people want YOU to be.
You get to courageously love YOU!