Your Mind Will Tell You It's Too Hard
Your vision always seems impossible until you’re living it.
Your brain is wired to save calories, be efficient, avoid pain and seek pleasure, so taking a leap towards what you truly want puts your brain on alert.
Deciding to do something you’ve never done before requires building new skills and neuro pathways.
This is going to piss off your mind. It is lazy and danger averse.
It will spin up emotions and stories to make feel uncomfortable and keep you safe.
I’ve been keeping it real here, so let’s use me as an example.
For 10 years I’ve dreamt of being a full-time coach.
My vision of inspiring and guiding women has remained unwavering.
I can see in my mind, the woman, the wins, the events the high-end retreats. It energizes and excited me.
It’s all a HELL YES!
I have now even taken the leap and invested in myself and this business.
I am doing the thing, taking action, and it is UNCOMFORTABLE.
My brain often says:
This is too hard.
I feel overwhelmed and discouraged.
My actions become inconsistent.
My results aren’t necessarily what I desire.
So what do I do?
I change the scenario. Instead of thinking ‘this is too hard”
I think:
“I am Anne Pillsbury and I can do hard things! I am guided to this and I can have a blast creating this business.”
Instead of making the process and actions hard I can choose to feel excited, motivated, ease, joy.
I can tap into my inner wisdom and start taking inspired action. Like this 30 Day Exposed challenge, or my Wise and Well events, or reaching out to cool people for possible collaboration.
As I take action I WILL see results and then I can evaluate.
By changing my mind’s narrative I can move past the thought that because it isn’t easy I’ve made the wrong decision or I should stop.
Just because actualizing your goals and dreams doesn’t feel easy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it or it is unrealistic.
It just means you need to bring in a different mindset that doesn’t sabotage you so you start seeing your desired results.
Try it today.
What do you want?
What feels hard about it?
Shift your narrative
Take inspired action.
Your vision will start unfolding before your eyes.