Feel the Feels

I am all about a positive mindset. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and when you look back over your life you can see how it all fits together, but that doesn’t mean that shit doesn’t get hard and you might not be able to see the gift at that moment. 

We all deal with painful emotions and experiences. Those emotions, while difficult, are important and need to be felt and dealt with openly and honestly. 

A positive attitude taken to the extreme becomes #toxicpositivity when you minimize and deny any emotions that aren’t happy or positive. This is dangerous. 

This morning I received some disappointing news. 

My first thought was, well that just means it wasn’t meant to be and something else will come along. 

And while this might be true I also felt disappointed, frustrated, deflated with a bit of grief and fear thrown in there.

I needed to make some space for these feelings today.

When negative things happen I sometimes hear my clients say:

“ I have nothing to complain about.”

“I should just be grateful.”

We are all entitled to our pain. Whatever that is and whatever your situation in life is. 

How do you take care of yourself when you have a negative experience?

Give yourself some time and space to check in with how you are feeling.


📓Journal out your feelings

😢Cry if you need to

👯‍♀️Share and ask for support from someone you trust

🚶‍♀️Do something that soothes you- a bath, a walk, a nap

✨Rearrange your day and focus on something that is energizing

Allow all your emotions to pass through you. 

And then give yourself a time limit. 

Pity parties are ok, but they can’t be all-nighters. Once you give your emotions space, THEN you can tap into your wisdom to figure out your next step.


The Ups And Downs Of Being A Bossyboots


You don’t need a ‘passion’ to drive your reinvention